Grains & Hay

Committee: Patrick Duffin (519-871-0384)

  • Judges decisions are final
  • Exhibits to remain until 4:30 p.m. on Sunday of fair weekend
  • Entry fee - 10% of Prize money - Class 36 only
  • Variety of each MUST BE NAMED or exhibit may be disqualified

36. Grain  - Class 1 - 10

Prize $ - Class 1 - 10 $5, $3, $2

  1. Fall Wheat, 1/2 bushel
  2. Barley, 1/2  bushel
  3. Field beans, , 1/2  bushel (blacks, whites, crans, kindeys, etc.)
  4. Soybeans, 1 bundle (15 plants)
  5. Hybrid Corn, 10 ears
  6. Baled Hay, 1st cutting, 6" slice
  7. Baled Hay, 2nd cutting, 6" slice
  8. Ensilage Corn, 1/2  bushel
  9. High Moisture Corn, 1/2  bushel
  10. Haylage, 1/2  bushel

37. Field Crops

  • Exhibits are to arrive at the fair on Thursday evening or Friday morning until 11:00 a.m.
  • Exhibits are to remain until 4:30 pm Sunday
  • Grain Corn - Forages - Soybean - Wheat - Field Bean
  • Crop will be scored while standing in the field near maturity.  Considerations given to the purity of variety, freedom from weeds and other plants, freedom from plant diseases and insects, stand, vigour of crop, trimmed headlands, fence rows, etc.
  • Field score based on 100 points
  • Exhibit score based on 50 points
  • Crops must be own production and grown in this crop year
  • Each competitor will be required to exhibit at the fair the crop judged in the field

Field Crop Champion:

One Champion and 2 Runner-Ups will be awarded prizes in each crop

  • Forage Champion (Hay or Ensilage Corn)
    • Hay 1st cutting, 6" slice of bale or 1 bushel chopped
    • Ensilage corn - 1 sheaf (12 stalks), variety named
  • Grain Corn Champion - 10 ears, variety named
  • Soybean Champion - 1 bundle (15 plants), variety named
  • Wheat Champion - 1 sheaf, 25 heads
  • Field Bean Competition - 1 bundle (15 plants), variety named

Prize Money - Field Crop Champion - awarded at Friday Night Opening Ceremonies:

Each Champion will receive a plaque and $100

Each 1st and 2nd Runner-Ups will receive $50 each